Civil Engineering Aliquot provides professional engineering services to both public and private sector clients for a broad range of transportation, public works, residential, commercial, and industrial projects. We have strong local and State agency permitting experience in multiple jurisdictions throughout California. Our Civil Engineering services include:
Feasibility studies, land planning, and site development
Cost estimating and construction plans
Design of complete streets, roadways, and parking lots
Design of bicycle lanes and pedestrian paths
Design of water distribution, wastewater, and drainage systems
Traffic Engineering Aliquot’s traffic engineers provide expertise, analysis, and planning to develop transportation solutions that benefit both communities and public agencies. We use data-driven problem solving processes to optimize public roadways, paths, and parking lots while improving driver, cyclist, and pedestrian safety. Our Traffic Engineering services include:
Engineering and Traffic Surveys (for setting speed limits)
Grant Applications (including ATP, HSIP, and CMAQ)
Traffic Calming and Control
Parking Occupancy and Duration Surveys
Signal Timing of Isolated Intersections
Traffic Signal Design
Roadway Striping and Signing
Traffic Impact Analysis (including LOS and VMT calculations)
Land Surveying A successful land development project starts with a precise land survey. Aliquot has served the Bay area for nearly 40 years, and has conducted thousands of surveys for builders, contractors, architects, engineers, developers, realtors, title companies, investors, and individuals. Our field and office staff are highly experienced and are constantly striving to deliver technical excellence and responsive service. Our Land Surveying services include:
Boundary, Topographic, As-built, Utility, Hydrographic, and ALTA Surveys
Land/Legal Descriptions and Plats
Right-of-Way Mapping
Construction Staking
Examination of Title, Abstracts, Title Commitments, and Record Documents